Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Hellbrute Finished

Here's te finished Hellbrute from the Dark Vengeance starter set. I followed the citadel how to paint Dark Vengeance ipad app for all the colours, but took some liberties with the techniques.

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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Realm of Battle Finished

Here's a walk through tutorial showing how I painted up the Realm of Battle modular board from Games Workshop. It is on the pricey side of things, but nice details and durable. I've also done a modular table for much cheaper if you want to check out that video.

I had my first games on this on the 27th with my brother and it was a blast. I also made up a wood frame to keep everything together and stable on top of a table that isn't quite 4 feet wide. I'll have to make up a tutorial for that one when I get a chance.

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Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Hobbit Goblins Finished (+tutorial)

Here's the finished Goblins from the Escape from Goblin Town box. I mostly used the simple painting guide from the latest White Dwarf but took some artistic license with a couple steps. The most noticeable of those is the use of a red glaze to make the sores look infected.

Check out the video and all the still images after the break. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I have been following and like their tutorials, so I may use those for the dwarves (and break out my painting rig to show the actual painting in fast forward). Hopefully I find time to do that over the Christmas Holidays.

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Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Hobbit Goblins WIP

I've been working on these guys and am getting near the final stages. I used the basic scheme from the latest white dwarf (Pallid wych flesh), and added some red glaze to the growths to make them look gross. I'm doing the goblin king at the same time, but giving him a bit more attention with blending.

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Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Hellbrute WIP

Yeah, I know, I'm working on the Hobbit stuff now, but in between steps I've been painting this guy up. Its a fun model and I find dreadnoughts to paint up fairly quickly (better than the bikes I still have to do). Anyway, here's what he looks like so far. Basically I sprayed him dark brown, did a quick gold base coat, added red base on the red areas and gave it an agrax earthshade wash.

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Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Deathwing Terminators Finished

Here's the Deathwing Terminators from Dark Vengeance all finished. I've done up a better version of the painting guide and included the images below. Hopefully this makes it better for people trying to follow my tutorials. Check out the images below. The full painting guide is below the finished images, and are the same as what's in the video.

In other news, I set up a new photo booth in my painting room, so I should be able to improve the quality of my images going forward (of finished models anyway).

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Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

The Hobbit Forces of Evil Assembly

Here's the final assembly video for the Hobbit box. I've just primed these guys, so hopefully will be having some painting tutorials completed soon.

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Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Temple of Skulls WIP

Along with all the other projects, I'm also working on the Temple of Skulls scenery piece from GW. I wanted this piece after playing a game at Black Knight Games for 'ard boyz and having it on the table we were using. Its pretty versatile and looks great on the board.

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Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

Hobbit Forces of Good Assembly

Here's all the forces of good from the new Hobbit boxed set, and assembling them. They are all press fit and some of them are single piece. I'm not a huge fan of the style of the dwarves and hobbits, but they are true to the movie and really well made.

(video after the break)

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Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Realm of Battle WIP

Here are some pics of the board I'm working on. I'm using the GW scenery pack and am painting it basically the standard way. I've just finished painting the base coat for the rocks and will be shading and highlighting them next. It should be ready for flock after that and then it'll just be a matter of painting all the skulls and I'll be done.

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Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Unboxing The Hobbit Escape from Goblin Town

Here's a look at the new Hobbit boxed set and its contents. I'm not as much of a fan of the true scale mini's, but the set is quite nice. It'll be interesting to paint these guys up and have a go at the game. Any suggestions about which ones to start with? comments please.

Video after the break..

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Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Deathwing Termintaors WIP 2

I've had a hard time getting to my painting table on a regular basis, so these guys are taking longer than expected. The layer of redoing the white armour was quite slow, almost an hour each guy. Now that its done things should pick up an one more sitting should finish these guys off. I really like the warm colour of the armour, so I think its worth it.

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Jumat, 30 November 2012

Realm Of Battle

Another project... this just arrived today.  I ordered the Realm of Battle modular game board so that I could have a nice table that can be put away.  I like the idea of something more durable than a table made out of MDF and I haven't come up with a reliable way of making hills that will match up as nicely as this bad boy.

I've got to get it all painted before Christmas, and I've got a bunch of scenery I'd like to get done for then as well.  Hopefully I'm able to get that done along with all my other projects.  I'll be sure to post pics as I go and a video of the process once I'm done.

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Deathwing Terminators WIP

Here's the latest in the Dark Vengeance series... the Deathwing Terminators. I've got to finish this stuff up soon because I have a lot of stuff to get done before Christmas and have also ordered the Hobbit game.

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Senin, 26 November 2012

New Hobby area, just like the old one

Is been a bunch of long months of transition making do without the painting set up that I usually have, but I'm happy to say that its been revived.  Here's a pic of my desk as it stands... some modifications are still to come, but I'm back in business.

Senin, 12 November 2012

Chaos Cultists Finished

Here's the finished first batch of Chaos Cultists from the Dark Vengeance set. I did these guys pretty quickly as they are going to be a fodder unit not lasting very long on the table. Pretty simple paint scheme using a base, wash and then highlighting with the base colour. Paint list shown at the bottom of the post.

Oh, and someone over on youtube pointed out I painted the Sergent's mask skin colour. I didn't realize it was a mask, so I'll have to go back and fix that.

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Jumat, 09 November 2012

Chaos Cultists WIP

Here are some work in progress pics of the Chaos Cultists from Dark Vengeance. I'm doing these guys up quick with a base, wash and highlight method. The highlight on the cloaks will be the same as the base to make it a bit more muted.

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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Dark Angels Tactical Squad Finished

Here's the finished Tactical Squad from Dark Vengeance. I've bee pretty busy lately, so have had a hard time keeping up with my usual pace of painting. I'm working on the squad of cultists with ranged weapons now.

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Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Dark Angels Tactical Squad WIP 2

Here's the second set of pics of my Tactical squad. I had a question about the greens from last post, and the basic answer is to water down paints a little and use glazes or washes to tone down the start highlights. Or you can mix the darker green with the highlight to tone it down from the start. It all depends on how you like them to look, and how much time you want to spend on a particular guy.

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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Dark Angels Tactical Squad WIP

Here's some pics of the Dark Vengeance tactical marines. They are a slight improvement from the Assault on Black Reach box set, but will be pretty poor compared to the rumoured tactical squad re-cut thats supposed to come out next year. I started these guys out with a green spray paint to make the green base coat go faster. Paints listed at the bottom of this post.

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Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Chaos Lord Kranon Tutorial

Here's the Lord Kranon Tutorial as well as the paints I used to paint him up (at the bottom). I missed a couple of the paints in the tutorial but they are shown at the end of this post.

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Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Dark Vengeance Lord Kranon WIP 2

Here's the second batch of Work in Progress shots for Lord Kranon. The next thing on my painting table is the tactical squad from Dark Vengeance, then probably on to the cultists.

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Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Dark Vengeance Lord Kranon WIP

A couple pictures of the latest guy from the Dark Vengeance set, Chaos Lord Kranon the Relentless. Cool model and nice to spend a bit more time on him than the Chosen marines. I used all the same colours as the chosen but didn't give the brown wash to the red areas. This should help make him stand out a little more on the table top.

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Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Dark Vengeance Librarian WIP 2

Here's another batch of WIP photos of Librarian Turmiel from the Dark Vengeance box. The force sword is going to be a little different as I'll be using a non metallic gold type colour for the inset design. The XV-88 base colour is what I'll be using and the other Tau colours for highlights.

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Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Librarian Turmiel (Dark Vengeance) WIP 1

Here's the first batch of work in progress shots of the Librarian from Dark Vengeance. I'm using mostly the same colours as the other Dark Angels, with the main difference being the blue armour. Another great model that will paint up fairly quickly due to the pretty straight forward colour scheme.

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Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Ork Meganobz Painting video

Here's a video showing some guys I painted quite a long time ago, but I don't think I ever made a video and posted it. I like taking these guys in groups of 3 in a battlewagon with deff rolla. I haven't tried it in 6th edition yet, but we'll have to see how that works. A warboss helps too.

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Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Chaos Chosen Finished - video

Here are finished Chosen Marines and a tutorial showing how I painted them up. Like I say in the video the bronze trim adds a lot of time to the steps and I'll be happy when I'm through the Chaos in this set.

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Jumat, 28 September 2012

Chaos Chosen Marines WIP 3

Here's the final work in progress shots of these guys. I'll be posting the video here shortly and moving onto the Dark Angels Librarian. Stay tuned for more...

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Kamis, 27 September 2012

Chosen Marines WIP 2

Here's another batch of work in progress shots of these guys. Someone asked what I meant by a metallic base last post... I'm saying paint them the darkest metallic first (the whole model) then pick out the colours on top of it. Give that a wash to shade and disguise any mistakes then start highlighting.

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Rabu, 26 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Chosen Marines WIP 1

Here's the first set of pics for the Chaos Chosen Marines from Dark Vengeance. The detail is pretty cool on these guys, but I always find the metallic edging takes a lot of extra time. This was true for Space Wolves, and I'm seeing it again with these guys. It'd almost be better to start with a complete coat of metallic, wash it then start painting the colours on top of that (like I do with some ork stuff). Anyway, too late for that with these guys, so here we go...

Also, I've added the paint swatches to the end of the post... I usually do that with the final video, but I figure it might help now too.
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Senin, 24 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Company Master Finished

Here's the finished Dark Angels Company Master from Dark Vengeance. The paints I used are at the bottom of this post, and a video tutorial just after the break. I should be starting to post work in progress shots of the chosen marines shortly.

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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Company Master WIP 3

Here are the last batch of work in progress shots of this guy before I post the final ones and video. I'm a little behind on things due to some outside commitments, but I hope to catch up on my painting soon.

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Senin, 17 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Company Master WIP

Here's the 2nd guy I'm working on from the Dark Vengeance starter set. Nice model with lots of details, but will paint up pretty quickly. I'll be using mostly the same colours as the Chaplain, with the addition of a purple cloak.

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Jumat, 14 September 2012

Interrogator-Caplain Finished

Here is a bunch of finished pictures, a walk through video and a list of the paints I used for the Limited Edition Chaplain from the Dark Vengeance starter kit. I'm working on the company master next, then the chosen chaos marines.

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Kamis, 13 September 2012

Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus WIP2

More WIP pictures of the Limited edition chaplain from Dark Vengeance. Sticking to the new GW paints in a pretty standard way here using a base, shade and two layers for pretty much each colour.

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Selasa, 11 September 2012

Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus WIP

Here are some pics of the Interrogator-Chaplain from the limited edition Dark Vengeance boxed set as I paint him up. I'll be publishing all the paints and a video tutorial here shortly.

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Senin, 10 September 2012

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Assembly part 4

Here is the start of the Chaos forces from the Dark Vengeance box. It looks like GW had some extra sets of the limited edition, so most local stores got more limited sets and the normal ones were delayed. Wonder what that means.

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Terminator Librarian Finished (and video)

Here's that Terminator Librarian I had been working on before Dark Vengeance came out. Video and lots of images after the break.

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Kamis, 06 September 2012

Rabu, 05 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Assembly 2

Some more Dark Angels assembly pics from Dark Vengeance. I'm working my way through the assembly of these guys basically in the order that they appear in the assembly guide. Its much better having all the parts numbered than trying to look on the side of the box (like island of blood).

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Senin, 03 September 2012

Dark Vengeance assembly 1

I've been assembling the dark angels from the Limited Edition box and have a couple observations. The first is that some of the terminator are very similar to the space hulk ones and the second is that the marines are very similar to the Assault on Black Reach ones. The characters are much better quality, so I'm really looking forward to painting them.

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Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Unboxing and review

Here's a full unboxing and look at the sprues. I'm sure you're already aware of what's in the box, so its more about me sharing my thoughts on the kit and impressions. I'll be doing an assembly video and start to get into painting these guys as soon as possible.

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Dark Vengeance Sprue and Assembly Video - Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus

Here we go, fresh out of the box, the limited edition Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus of the Dark Angels. The sprue is the same size as the Fantasy heroes that GW released after 8th edition (clam shell), so hopefully this means they will be doing these for 40k now that 6th edition is out. He is not snap fit like the rest of the box, so you will need glue and something to clean up some mold lines.

Sprue pics and assembly video shown after the break.

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Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Terminator Librarian WIP 2

Sorry for my absence... its been a busy summer. Anyway, finally back to painting just in time for Dark Vengeance Can't wait to get my hands on that. In the mean time I'm finishing up this guy.

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Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Dark Vengeance Unboxing (German)

oooo.... can't wait.  Just a couple more days and I'll be doing one of these videos. (found via Faeit 212

I guess this memo about showing stuff before the release date.

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Terminator Librarian WIP

Here's another Space Marine character that I'm working on. I'm tempted to leave him non-chapter specific so I can use him for any of the space marine armies I have on the go. I'm using the blue paint scheme that would be typical for ultramarines with the new paints. Looking good, but lots of the details to go.

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Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Wurrzag Completed

I posted the video on youtube a while ago, but appear to have forgotten to put it up here. Thankfully someone left me a comment to remind me.

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