Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

High Elf Loremaster of Hoeth (finished pics and painting guide)

Here's another High Elf character, the Loremaster of Hoeth plastic mini released with the last army book. Its a great dynamic model and fun to paint. Check out the painting guide below as well as a tutorial video.

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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Imperial Knight WIP

I've been working on the main panels with an airbrush, and am ready to move over to hand painting.  I'm not sure if this was the most efficient way, but it beats trying to mask off all the stuff I've painted (I think).

I'm using one of the standard schemes, and if the metallic turns out ok then it'll be pretty cool looking on the table.

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Ultramarine Chaplain FInished and Tutorial

Here's another of the new plastic characters from the Space Marine release. This guy has fantastic detail, and I enjoyed painting him as much as all the other plastic characters that have been released. I used the same basic scheme for black armour that I typically do, which is highlighting then bringing it down with a Nuln Oil wash after.

Anyway, a painting guide and full video are after the break.

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Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Imperial Knight Assembly Video

Wow... that took much longer than I expected. I embarked on an assembly and magnetization tutorial, and ended up with a video almost an hour long. It turns out there isn't much magnetization needed on this. There are some shared parts for the gun, and you can do a sort of hybrid version that lets you swap out the main bits. I had intended to make a short and concise video showing how to swap them out, but in the end I'll have to do a blog post with some screen shots.

Anyway, this is an impressive kit when assembled. Its 6" tall, and as you can see below, not as tall as a stompa, but still quite large. I've also compared it to a land raider and mega-dread below.

The assembly video goes through the whole process, start to finish, showing which parts I left off for better access during painting. There are some tips along the way, so if this is the sort of thing that interests you, you can watch it while you assemble yours (pausing between steps to catch up).

I hope to have it painted soon, but this thing is large, so I'm not sure how long that will take...

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Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Imperial Knight Unboxing

I've just picked up one of the new Imperial Knights, and its impressive. I've got an unboxing video below and I have some thoughts about ridges on GW kits below. I'll be doing an assembly and magnetization video shortly and will follow up with a painting video.

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