Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Radagast finished (+ tutorial)

Here's the next guy I painted up from the hobbit set. I tried to use as many of the browns as I could from the GW range and I didn't have a guide to go with... so this is what I ended up with. Neat model, not sure if I like the pose, but whatever.

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Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Savage Orc Big Boss (+ Tutorial)

Here's that single sprue Savage Orc Big Boss that I showed a couple weeks back. I painted him up with my rig so that I could film the whole process (shown at 4x speed in the video below). I have a new lens, so everything is nice and close up, but I'm having some issues keeping everything in frame. I'll have to work on that.

Anyway, cool model, and I followed the painting guide from White Dwarf (issue with dakka jet on the cover). My guide follows the same paints and the instructions are at the bottom of the post.

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Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Deathwing Command Squad Unboxing

I caved again... well, sort of. I wasn't sure if I was going to try and collect a Dark Angels Army, but with the stuff I've finished from Dark Vengeance it looks like that's where I'm going... so I picked up the Dark Angesl Command Squad box. I went through my bits boxes and found lots of terminators that I can use with the extra bits to make up some extra squads. I really like the idea of doing a deathwing deepstrike and shooting the enemy apart all in one go. Seems like a cool list, but we'll have to see if I can make it work.

Here are some pictures of the contents.

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Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Sammael (finished + tutorial)

Here's the other half of the Ravenwing tutorial... well, both are complete tutorials, but they are basically the same. Neat model, but lots of points, so I'd want to have a full Ravenwing force to use him... which I don't think will happen because I don't really like to paint bikes.

Anyway, here's the video and pics... painting guide is at the bottom.

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Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Ravenwing Bikers finished

Here's the Ravenwing bikers I've been working on. I did the black with some mixing of grey and black for the base, grey highlight, then black wash to finish and blend. Everything else has pretty much been covered with my other Dark Vengeance tutorials.

Full list of paints and a guide at bottom of the post. I'll be posting the Sammael tutorial soon.

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Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Ravenwing WIP 2 (Sammael + Bikes)

Here's a second batch of pictures from my Ravenwing detachment. I'm doing all the base coats first, then will give a quick grey highlight and black wash. When I did the base coat I added some grey in, so hopefully the black wash gets the recesses a deep black and the flat surfaces stand out slightly. I'm also using secret weapon mini's soft body grey for the grey panels. I'm not sure if I would rather that they were a blue grey, but we'll see.

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Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

How to Paint Bilbo

Another Hobbit character, and depending on the hits, maybe the last in this format. These guys do paint up fast, but filming the whole process is a little tedious. I'll probably do Radagast in this format then switch over to the regular photos for the rest of the guys. They will be quite similar, so there's no point in doing them separately.

Anyway, like the other ones, I used the tutorial from Tale of Painters as my inspiration. With each one I'm deviating a little more, but the basic process is similar.


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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Savage Orc Boss Assembly

Here's some pictures of the single sprue plastic Savage Orc Boss that came out a little while ago. I really like these single sprue guys and can't wait to see what kind of stuff comes out for 40k.

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Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Ravenwing WIP (Sammael + bikes)

I've decided to add Sammael in with the bikes from Dark Vengeance since they'll be the same paint scheme... plus with the new Dark Angels book on advance order it seems like a good time to do him.

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Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

How to Paint Gandalf

Here's the painting tutorial and finished pics of the Gandalf model from Escape from Goblin town. A pretty straight forward paint job, but a little variation in the grey by using some blue greys. Same sort of tutorial I've been doing with the explanation then 4x speed video of each step.

Got the inspiration again from Tale of Painters:

Hope you like it.

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Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

How to Paint High Elf Sword Masters (Remaster)

With the new GW paints and a better system of making tutorials I'm giving a try to remastering some of my most popular videos. This one of the High Elf Sword Masters from Island of Blood is one of my most popular videos, so it's been picked to go first. If this turns out to be popular I think the next one will be Grey Knight Terminators.

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Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

2012 Year in Review

Ok, so I guess its that time of year to look back and see what I accomplished in the hobby during 2012. Outside the hobby world it was a busy year for me... I finished up my master's degree, switched jobs, moved to a new town and had some excellent vacations.

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Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Thorin Oakenshield Finished (and tutorial)

Here we go with the first from the forces of good from Escape from Goblin Town. As mentioned over on youtube, I've used the painting guide published over at Tale of Painters. I like the way they've done a bunch of their painting guides and I think it'll save me some time when painting of the hobbit stuff. I didn't follow it exactly, and for future ones I'm going to mix up the order to make it easier. For example, I find it much easier to do all the base colours at once, then washes before moving forward. These ones have each colour done fully before going to the next area. I find that I have to fix stuff a lot if I do it that way, but if I do everything at once the next layer can hide my past mistakes.

Anyway, I've done up a speed painting video showing (almost) every brush stroke. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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