Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Goblin Shaman Finished (+Tutorial)

Here's that goblin shaman that I'm sure every Orc and Goblin player will pick up at some point. He's a neat model, and fairly simple to paint, but I added some extra colour to make him stand out. As usual, the painting guide is at the bottom of this post, and the video is after the break. In this video I actually show the whole process (at 4x speed) because its such a fast model to paint. I think the total painting time was under an hour (plus the time it took for the washes to dry).

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Senin, 23 Desember 2013

Wall of Martyrs Unboxing and assembly

Well, these have been sitting in my to-do pile for quite some time, but with the new Stronghold Assault book I thought I should get in gear. Now that there are rules I can see these getting a lot more use.

Anyway, below are three videos, one for each of the core Wall of Martyrs pieces; Imperial Defense line, Imperial Bunker and Imperial Defense Emplacement.

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Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

Ultramarine Centurions Complete (plus video tutorial)

Another Ultramarine project finished, and this time its the new Centurion models. I'm going to say that I'm not overly impressed with these models, and they are pretty much single pose. Kind of disappointing, but I guess that's what has to happen when you get so many weapon options in the box.

Anyway, painting them was pretty straightforward, especially now that I've done so many Ultramarines. I have a playable army now, but not really a complete one. Need another scoring unit or so... but that'll have to come after some of the scenery that I'm working on.

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Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

How to Paint NMM Gold

Here's a tutorial showing (at 2x speed) exactly how I painted the non-metallic metal on the Phoenix Guard I just did.  There were a bunch of requests on youtube for a tutorial like this where I film the whole process.  I've mentioned before that I use Reaper paints for this, but in this I have used GW paints.  I get a lot more requests for the specific GW paints, but I actually prefer the Reaper ones for NMM.  They have a slightly more yellow look straight out of the bottle, which I like.  To due true NMM you would want to use more steps, but this is a quick process that is great for blocks of troops.

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Nihilakh Oxide Demo (Video)

Here's a quick video showing how the Nihilakh Oxide works (using an Ogre Leadbelcher as a demo). I really like the look, as the method I use is too dark. I suppose I could mix a better colour, but I really like how this looks. I even went back and did a couple skaven models after doing the video because I liked it so much. Obviously you may not see the need to buy a whole bottle of it, but I can see myself using it quite often.

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Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Centurions WIP 2

Here's another batch of work in progress pictures for these guys. They are finally starting to look decent, and I'll be doing the last bit of assembly shortly. I'm pretty happy with how they're looking, although the legs look a little goofy when all together. I'm pretty disappointed with the lack of posing available, but I also don't want to do a bunch of customization work.

Next up I think I need to do some scenery... Christmas is coming, and I'll probably get a game or two in with my brother, so that means getting some tables ready.

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Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Centurions WIP

Here's the first batch of work in progress pics of my Centurion devastators. I did partial assembly before basing them with army painter sprays to help speed up the process, and I'm taking video of the process to do a tutorial when I'm done. Neat models, but they are basically single pose. You can't position the arms or legs and there is very little room to rotate the torso.

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Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Ultramarine Landraider Finished (and tutorial)

Here's that landraider that I painted alongside the Rhino a few weeks back. The techniques were basically identical, but a bit of a larger model to work with. I have since picked up some AK pigment fixer and will try that instead of spraying the model after the weathering powders. This should help them show up better, and I'll probably go back and do more weathering powders on this at a later date.

The painting guide for the paints I used are below along with the video.

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Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Phoenix Guard Finished (and video)

Here's those Phoenix Guard I've been working on. There were a few steps that took forever, but once I got past the white cloaks it was home free. The non-metallic gold is getting easier each time, and I'd even say that on these guys it was one of the fastest steps. This is a good thing since I really like how it turns out.

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Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Ultramarines Rhino Finished

Here's a bunch of pics and a video of the first tank for my Ultramarines army. Its also the first airbrushing I've done for them, so I made sure to do a video tutorial to show how that progressed. There's some weathering as well, but a lot of it disappeared when I did the matte spray... I need to do something to fix that.

The paints used are after the break, and a full explanation is in the video.

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Jumat, 29 November 2013

Phoenix Guard WIP 2

I'm getting closer to finishing these guys... still working on the grey/white steps, then its on to the non-metallic gold and small details. I'm glad I only did 15 of these guys in this batch. If I had done more each step would have been a bit overwhelming and would have slowed things down a bit too much.

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Selasa, 26 November 2013

High Elf Phoenix Guard WIP

I had a request to do these guys a while back, and they finally have made it up my queue to get painted. I decided to do 15 of them at once, and judging by the length of time its taking to get the base coats done I'm glad I didn't do more. They are kind of fiddly, but I think I'm past the hard part.

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Jumat, 22 November 2013

Flamespyre Phoenix Finished Pictures and Tutorial video

Hey, after last week's distraction with those technical paints I'm back with another tutorial. I finally got my airbrush out to get this guy done, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Keeping the wings detached helped a lot and the design on the mini really lends to using this sort of technique. The airbrush part is shown in the video at 4x speed with commentary, then still images for the rest as usual.

More pictures, video and painting guide after the jump.

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Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Review: New Citadel technical paints UPDATED

So I zipped over to GW today and picked up all six of the new technical paints so that I could give them a try and post up a review. I've done that in the video below, and summarized it in print here.

There seems to be lots of controversy about Agrellan Earth... apparently its not working for people and GW is saying its a bad batch. The GW I purchased mine at now says that they are out of stock, which I think means they pulled it off the shelves. Anyway, I was able to get mine to work and have posted a picture below of what I was able to achieve.

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Jumat, 15 November 2013

Rogue Idol Finished (plus tutorial video)

Here's that Rogue Idol that's been showing up the in the background of some of my pictures. This guy was a fun distraction from some of the other projects, mostly because its basically dry brushing stone and adding some extra depth. I'm glad to add this to my Orc and Goblin collection... now I just need to paint up some more Orcs (and goblins).

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Senin, 11 November 2013

A little airbrushing (Ultramarines tanks and Flamespyre Phoenix)

I finally had a block of time where I was able to get my airbrush out and get some serious work done. I managed to get a rhino and landraider done before moving over to the Flamespyre Phoenix. I'm happy with how those turned out, and once I have a chance to add some details and weathering to the rhino and landraider they will be ready to go. I really enjoyed working on the Flamespyre, so it jumped right onto my painting table for finishing because it looks so cool. Now I want to get another kit so I can make up the frostheart and paint it up as well.

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Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Ultramarine Terminators Finished and Tutorial

Got these guys finished pretty quickly. Its nice to have small squads instead of huge 30 man boyz mobs... things go so much quicker and are much less tedious. Now that I've done a bunch of Ultramarine things they are painting up faster as well, so that helps as well. I'll have to get some vehicles done soon, and maybe another tactical squad so that I'll have a usable army. I also have a bunch of stuff on order (including legion of the damned!) so once that arrives I'll have some fun stuff to do as well. Anyway, video of the whole process (one guy, 4x speed) below as well as a bunch of pics.

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Selasa, 05 November 2013

Orc Rogue Idol WIP

I've had a lot of comments on my youtube videos lately noticing this guy in the background.... so here are some more pictures. I've been doing some painting on this guy in between projects, and he's pretty simple overall. Basically doing a rock drybrushing on most of the stuff then some moss and weathering...

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Jumat, 01 November 2013

Forgeworld Mega Dread Finished

Here's that Ork Mega Dread that I've been working on. I wasn't sure how the weathering would go, but in the end it was pretty simple, and I think it turned out quite well. I basically painted him up quickly and jabbed 4 different weathering powders onto different areas. With all the different panels and bits the weathering powders really do all the work. They to forgeworld scale models what devlin mud is to figures (liquid talent).

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Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Ultramarines Terminators WIP

For the next unit in my Ultramarines army I have decided to go with some Terminators. These guys are mostly Assault on Black Reach, but I've added a chain fist as well as an assault cannon to beef them up a little. I've got a landraider in my assembled pile, so it can be used with these guys.

I'm finding with each unit that the Ultramarines paint scheme is getting much easier. I think that is mostly by design, and might be why they are so popular.

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Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Ultramarines Commander Finished and Tutorial

Another addition to my growing Ultramarines force, this time the commander from the Assault on Black Reach box. With the cape on this guy he painted up quite fast. I was also pretty happy with how the banner turned out. I've seen so many of these guys unpainted that it's cool to finally have one that's fully painted.

Pics and painting guide below.

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Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Forgeworld Mega dread WIP 2

Here's some more pictures of that Forgeworld Mega Dread I've been working on. I'm trying to get a good technique for doing the large areas fast, but also to look good. I've got some weathering powders, so they should help once all the painting is done. I'm looking forward to having this guy on the table... a really fun looking model, that's for sure.

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Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Ork Forgeworld Mega dread WIP

Another project that's on the go. I've got a tutorial coming for the Space Marine commander from Assault on Black Reach, but while I'm waiting for it to render I've worked on this guy a bit. I have magnetized the arms, but the magnets were a bit small, so I've upped those to ensure it works. Also working on getting the silver just right... which is hard considering how much surface area there is on this guy. Anyway, combining some dry brushing with washes and I'll use some weathering powders once I add some extra colours to finish him off. I'd like to get him a big oval base so he looks in place with the rest of my army.

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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Buzzgob Finished and Tutorial

Here's that forgeworld mek boss that I have been working on. I've posted the tutorial video and still images below. Its been a while since I've done any 40k orks, so this was a nice change from all the space marines and other stuff I've been working on. I'll have to do some more ork stuff soon... I really enjoy painting them.

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Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Buzzgob Work in Progress

I've had this guy on my bench for a while, and finally have the urge to finish him. I'm doing his two grots as well and figure I'll use them as objective markers. Great model, but I'm not sure I really like the style of his axe... there are too many bits on the end and I can't decide how to paint them. In the end its going to be a weathered metal look, but I wish it was something better. Anyway, love the Mek army list and will be doing a mega dread at some point soonish (after another Ultramarines unit).

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Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Ultramarines Scouts and Landspeeder Storm Finished

Here's those Scouts and their transport, the Landspeeder Storm. As mentioned in the video (below), I've really liked the landspeeder storm ever since it came out, and now that I'm starting an Ultramarines army this was one of the fist models I wanted to finish. Anyway, love how it turned out, and looking forward to the next thing...

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Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

How to Paint Uthwe Craftworld Eldar

Here's a quick tutorial on how to paint up Uthwe Eldar.  Back in the day (2nd edition) I had an Uthwe Eldar army.  I sold them on ebay when I got back into 40k a few years back.  That was back in the metal bodies, plastic arms days... yikes, those sucked for coming apart during transport.

Anyway, here's a quick tutorial on doing the black armour with bone contrast.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Skycutter Finished

Here we go with a tutorial and a bunch of finished pics. I'm glad to have this guy done as its been on my desk all summer. I kind of wish I did the wings pointing up because this thing doesn't fit into my display case very well with the rest of my High Elves.

Anyway, check out the pics below, and the paints are at the bottom.

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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Scouts and Landspeeder Storm WIP

I've always wanted to paint up some scouts, and when the Landspeeder Storm came out years ago I thought it was a brilliant model. I've even considered a scout focused army... maybe it goes back to my memories of Advanced Space Crusade. That was way back in my early days of 40k... remember those Tyranids? I still have some of the scout models and maybe I'll paint them up in my Ultramarine colours.

Anyway, here's the Storm and a squad of scouts to go along with it. I base coated the blue with Army Painter spray and will do some weathering at the end.

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Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

GW Gives away free Codex books... in Japan

Just came across this news story... apparently GW is actually giving things away to gain market share.  In Japan pdf's of the Codex books can be downloaded for free (some, mostly fantasy).  I don't know how long this practice has been going on, but hopefully it works there and they think about doing it for some of the english language ones.

In browsing the site (via google translate) it looks like some of the updates and campaign books are free kind of like how GW used to do this for old WD articles.

Check it out here (you may have to change the country to Japan):

This story was found here:

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Skycutter WIP (Almost done)

Well, I finally found the will to finish this guy off. Thankfully once I had the base colours done it went pretty quick. The eagle was basically done a while ago, so it was just the flying boat and crew that needed the most attention. In exploring some other blogs I found a neat tip for blending... its using Tamiya thinner (X-20A) instead of the usual acrylic medium. Its an alcohol based thinner and works really well with the new GW paints. I've also heard that it works well for pin striping with acrylics instead of oils, so I'll have to give that a try.

Anyway, these guys are looking good and will be done shortly (with a tutorial to be posted).

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Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Skycutter WIP

This guy has been taking up room on my painting desk, and I'd really like to finish it off. I think the hard work has been completed (the eagle and base) so it shouldn't take too much work to finish off. I've decided to go with the bolt thrower, so I'm only going to paint those guys for now. The paint scheme will be a pretty standard High Elves colour scheme to go along with the rest of my army.
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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Ultramarines Tactical Squad Finished

Alright, the first (of many) Ultramarines guys that I've got to paint up to make an army. These guys will form the backbone of my army, so I'll have to paint up a bunch more of them. I'm using the normal GW colours for these guys, and I'm sure I'll get faster at painting them as I do more of them. Hopefully I'll get a vehicle tutorial posted soon.

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Senin, 30 September 2013

Ogre Gorger Finished

Here's that Gorger I was working on, all done. I have posted a painting tutorial video and the still images (along with the paints) are at the bottom of this post. I'm happy with how the flesh turned out, but I'm probably going to do something different for the other Gorger I've got waiting.

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Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Ultramarines Tactical Squad WIP

Here's the first tactical squad for my upcoming Ultramarines Army. These guys are from the Assault on Black Reach set, and have been sitting in my to-do box for a long time. I think I'll paint up the whole set in Ultramarines colours, so the Terminators will come soon. I have big plans for my Ultramarines army, and hope to pick up some of the new sets shortly.

I base coated these with black spray primer then Army Painter Ultramarine Blue. I picked up a can, so that should help me do a whole army and should help the blue stay consistent.

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Selasa, 24 September 2013

Ogre Gorger Work in Progress

Here's another model that I threw into the batch of Ogres I'm working on, the Gorger. I have two of these actually, but am only painting one. I decided on a dark skin colour and went with the same bright orange/red hair colour as the rest of my army. I think it works. Tutorial will come soon.

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Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Skaven Plague Furnace

Turns out I painted this up a long time ago and never made a tutorial to go along with it. So, here's the explanation about how I went about painting it along with some pictures of the finished product. Paints used are just after the video.

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Kamis, 19 September 2013

Hobby update

After a long summer off and some space marines to kick things started for the fall I'm working on some Ogres I've had in my to-do pile for a while. I really like the ogre models, and this batch will really help fill in some of my ranks. I think its 10 bulls with command and 2 iron guts in this batch... the standard bearer is the one with the knobbler on the top, so I'd like to use it as a BSB. I think I'll make a tutorial for that one, but not the rest of the guys.

I've also got a bunch of high elves in the works, mostly a sky cutter that I started when it first came out, but haven't finished yet. The great eagle is done, but the rest of it is kind of stalled. Hopefully I can get that going again.

I'll keep doing the space marine tutorials since they get lots of hits, but I'd really like to focus on rounding out some of my unfinished armies. Dark Eldar being one of the main ones. Oh, and an easter egg at the bottom for anybody who like to see what else is in the pipeline :)

And now for a bunch of pictures.

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Rabu, 18 September 2013

How to Paint Imperial Fists

Here's another tutorial where I show how to paint one of the big chapters of Space Marines. I've always liked the idea of yellow marines, but don't have the guts to take on an army of these guys. I think they would take too long to get to a level I was happy with. One guy is fine, and really not that much longer than any of the others. I think its the vehicles that would be most difficult. Regardless, below is the video and still images, and at the bottom of the post are the paints I used.

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Kamis, 12 September 2013

How to paint White Scar Space Marines

Here's another tutorial for the Space Marine codex, the White Scars. Again, this is meant to a quick and dirty method to paint up troops quickly. The white is a little slow since you need to get a good even coat. I did decals on this one and show how to use Microset and Microsol to make them conform to the shoulder pad.

Paints at the bottom of the post.
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Selasa, 10 September 2013

How to paint Ogre Leadbelchers

I painted these guys up way back in the spring, but for some reason forgot to put together a video. So here it is, along with the usual commentary. I painted these guys at the same time as the Ironblaster, so the paints used and commentary will be very similar. Hope you enjoy it, and let me know if you have any questions, comments or whatever.

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Jumat, 06 September 2013

How to Paint Ultramarines

Ok, here's a quick tutorial for a basic Ultramarine. Nothing too fancy, but will get them on the table top quickly. I've got a bunch of other marines lined up, including the other 5 main codex chapters. So, depending on the feedback I'll either do the others first or continue with different Ultramarines units.

The paints I used are listed here, and the GW suggested ones are at the bottom of the post (a few more paints of course).

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Rabu, 04 September 2013

How to paint Lizardmen Saurus

Its been a while, but I'm back with another tutorial. Lots of stuff in the pipeline, but for now a Lizardmen Saurus tutorial. The paints used are as follows, or you can use the GW suggested ones in the image below.

Paints used:
Skin - Stegadon Scale Green, Sotek Green, Temple Guard Blud, Goelia Greenshade
Gold - Gehenna's Gold, Agrax Earthshade
Bone - Rhinox Hide, Ushabti Bone
Cloth - Rhinox Hide, Karak Stone, Agrax Earthshade

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Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

How to Paint Iyanden Craftworld Eldar

Here's the second painting tutorial for Eldar. This guy is done in the yellow Iyanden scheme, so lots of yellow. You could also start with a white base and shade to get the yellow, but I chose to go the other way.

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Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Eldar Saim-Hann Guardian Tutorial

In anticipation of the new Eldar Codex I painted up a couple guardians and made tutorials for them. Here is the first, done in the Saim-Hann craft world colours. Paints are listed at the bottom. The second tutorial will be for an Iyanden guardian done in the same style.

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Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Dark Eldar Archon Tutorial

Here's the final video tutorial for the Dark Eldar Archon I had showed. I did this one in the 4x speed version and the paints I used are below.

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Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

High Elf Skycutter Assembly

The Skycutter was the first model that I chose from the new releases High Elves. Its a great looking model with some nice options, but doesn't nearly fit onto the chariot base supplied. I'm sure this is more of an annoyance for people playing in tournaments, along with it being harder to transport due to its fiddly bits.

Anyway, those issues aside, its a great model that goes together quite nicely. Check out the video below:

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