Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

More Skaven Clanrats

I actually painted these guys a while back, but just put together a video about the process and discuss using the new GW paints. Here's some pics with suggested paints at the bottom of the post.

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Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Dark Eldar Venoms WIP

Here's the next thing in my dark eldar list. I base coated these with my airbrush at the same time as the warriors and a bunch of raiders, so the details are all that are really required. Same paint scheme and I haven't added any fancy designs to the body (yet). I hope to do that once I have a full army done and can do that all at once.

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Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors finished

Here's my first finished unit for my dark Eldar army. I took a while to figure out what colors I would use, but I ended up with a standard scheme. I used the painting guide from the new how to paint citadel miniatures, but swapped the green instead of the blue they did.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out and am excited to get a force big enough to play with.

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Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Ork Bommer - New Flyers

Looks like pics from the new white dwarf are hitting the intertubes... found these at dakkadakka, warseer and Faeit 212, so not quite sure where the originated.  I don't collect Necrons, so I don't really care for that one... but I do have marine and ork armies.  It sounds like the stormtalon is only for vanilla marines, so I'm not sure if it affects me, but the pictures don't do it justice. I felt the same way about the stormraven, so I'm hoping it looks better in person.

As for the Ork ones... I love them, and will be picking one up for sure.  The one thing though, is that they seem to be totally anti-infantry. Orks really lack some serious anti-tank options in the list and I don't think these fill that hole.  The other concern is how these fit into the list... are they fast attack, elite or heavy support?  Do they come in squadrons?  Can I combine them with deff koptas (I hope so).  I guess we'll see when I get my hands on the new white dwarf.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Quick Snotling Bases

Here are some snotlings I painted up quickly on the weekend. I wanted to get a bunch of bases done up so that I can use them as charge redirectors. They started with a green spray then I painted the bases Scorched brown. From there the snotlings were painted Skarsnik green and washed with thraka wash. The cloth was painted Rakarth Flesh, wood steel legion Drab and Metal was Leadbelcher. All those got an Agrax Earthshade wash. A little Terminatus stone drybrush on the bases and static grass and these guys were done.

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Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Space Wolf Standard Finished

Here's my Space Wolf Grey Hunter Wolf Standard all done. I used all new GW paints, mostly in the triad form (base, layer, layer) with a shade, but some areas were mixed up a little to get different tones. I basically followed the painting guide from the White dwarf, but the naming of the paints makes it pretty obvious.

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Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Ork Forgeworld Biker Boss

Here's a painting tutorial and some pics of the Forgeworld Biker Boss that I painted a while back. Below you'll find a list of the equivalent paints in the new GW range.

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Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors WIP

Here's how these guys are progressing. I posted last week about giving them a base coat with my airbrush, well now I'm laying down the other base colours. I'm following the painting guide from the 2012 How to Paint Citadel Miniatures, except for the armour which I've done in greens with my airbrush. Coming along nicely and should have this batch of 10 done quickly enough.

After the airbrushed base colours I drybrushed them with the Helion green dry paint to pull out the edge highlights.

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Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Dark Eldar Airbrushing base coats

Here's some pics of the first stages of my upcoming Dark Eldar army. Like I've mentioned before, I've accumulated enough stuff for an army and now just need to paint it all... so to help speed that up I've airbrushed the base colours on the vehicles. I used the dark eldar green blue base and layers. I started with a black spray then covered everything with the Kabalite base and did the highlights with the corresponding layers.

For using the new paints in the drybrush I watered them down about 50/50 with water. They seemed to work well and I didn't have any issues. I bought a bunch of disposable droppers from ebay to transfer the paints to the airbrush and mix the water. This meant I didn't have to pour them and worry about wasting them.

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Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Wolf Standard WIP 2

I've made a bit more progress on this guy... a little delayed because I'm getting geared up to work on my Dark Eldar. I spent most of last night airbrushing the vehicles with the new GW paints.

But back to this guy... he's getting near completion as all the big areas are done and its just a mater of finishing off the pelts and smaller details.

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Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Wolf Standard WIP

Here's my current painting project, the Grey Hunter Wolf Standard that just came out in finecast. I'm using all the new paints again, so it'll be interesting to see how the armour compares to the rest of my army.

In other news, my dark eldar army is getting ready to be painted. I've been accululating different kits, and I'm not at the point where I can put together a decent army, so I'm getting motivated to paint it. I'd like to do an alternate paint scheme, but I can't decide so I may end up going with the one from the 2012 How to Paint Citadel Miniatures book.

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Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Skaven Doomflayer Complete

Here's some pics of the finished doomflayer using the new GW paints. I've shown the ones I used at the bottom of this post. The patina finish was done with a watered down coat of Sotek Green then a smaller coat of Temple Guard Blue. I used to do this by mixing Dark Angels Green and Hawk Turquoise in the old range.

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Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Skaven Doomflayer WIP 2

Here's the rest of the work in progress shots of my doomflayer using the new GW paints. Like I said before, I like how they work together and don't really see any big difference (apart from the selection) from the old paints.

In other news, I played a fantasy game tonight... my Orcs and Goblins against some Bretonnia knights. I brought Grimgor and 29 black orcs as the anchor of my army, and would have won if not for a mix up with a rule about the green knight. I should have killed him in the first round of combat because of his ethereal rule, but it was overlooked (I've never faced him, and it was my opponent's first time using him). Anyway, fun game otherwise, and great to be rolling some dice.

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