Senin, 30 April 2012

Blood Angels Landspeeder Tutorial

Here's pictures and video of the squad of Blood Angels Landspeeders I just finished. Also included are the equivalent paints if painting with the new GW paints. I didn't use the new paints on these as I started them a while ago. The next video will be done with the new paints...

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Skaven Doomflayer WIP

Here's some pics of the first model where I use only paints from the new GW range. I've had this on my desk forever and finally decided to paint it up. Is going to be lots of metallics (a little of each kind) and some standard Skaven paints.

I also finally realised the logic to the new range (I can be a little slow sometimes). If you organize your paints by the short sku (xx-xx) you'll notice that the bases are in the same colour order as the layers. For each base there are 2 layers typically, but for some there's an extra layer (for a lighter highlight) or alternate layers (for different versions of black). You'll also notice that the sets that go together are typically named after the same 40k or fantasy faction. For example, the green/blue ones are all dark eldar names. So this means that if you compare the new GW range to the reaper triad scheme you have the equivalent of a triad for each of the base paints. This might have been obvious to others, but I had to actually start using them to see exactly how it all came together.

Anyway, here's those WIP pictures.
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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Blood Angel Landspeeder WIP

Here's some landspeeders I've been working on. I think they'll be a nice additional set of missile launchers using a fast attack choice.

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Jumat, 27 April 2012

New Paints Review: Conclusions

Here's a video where I sum up my conclusions about the new GW paints.  I've already started painting with them and have finished a Skaven doom flayer (lots of metallics)... they are working out well.

Kamis, 26 April 2012

How to Paint Citadel Miniatures 2012 - Book Review

Here's my take on the new how to paint book from GW.  Its a well done book, but at $60 not everybody is going to get good value out of it.

New Citadel Paint Review: Metallics

The Metallic part of a paint range is very important to me and GW has had great silvers in the past, but not so great golds.  Here's a video where I look at the metallics in the new 145 paint range from GW.

Rabu, 25 April 2012

New Citadel Paints Review: Texture

Here's another new section of the range for GW.  While not technically paints, they do replace something that you used to have to paint; the sand after attaching it to your base.  There are other similar options out there, but this one seems decent if a little unnecessary.  Might be nice to have one of these sitting around, but most people won't want all 6.

New GW Paints Review: Dry range

Here's a review about the new Dry range of paints.  This is perhaps the most unique offering in the new set, and to my knowledge isn't done by any other hobby paint range.  For the most part I don't see myself using all of these, but for things like bases I will use it.  I can also see the silver one (Necron compound) being the new must have paint.  If you're like me and do metallics first when there's lots (like on Orks) then this is the way to go.  Just drybrush on the Necron Compound over a black base and you've got your silver base coat much faster than painting.

Selasa, 24 April 2012

New Citadel Paint Review: Layers

Here's a look at the layers section of the new GW paint range.  I check out how the recommended combinations work together.

Senin, 23 April 2012

New Citadel Paint Review: Bases (foundations)

Here's the second set of paints to be reviewed... foundations.  Overall they seem to behave similar to the old foundations.  The colours aren't the same, but there's lots more.  The coverage seems similar but they might not be quite as matte.  This doesn't really matter because you're going to cover it with a shade and layers.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

New GW Paint Review: Shades (washes)

Here's a video where I show how the new shades compare to the old washes.  In the video we have Badab Black vs. Nuln Oil, Devlin Mud vs. Agrax Earthshade and Thraka Green vs. Beil-Tan Green.  The conclusion is that the colour match is very close and if anything they behave a little better.  They seem to have a lower surface tension which leads to less foam type bubbles forming when you paint it on quickly.

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Citadel Paints Review

Here's my first impressions of the new citadel paints.  I picked up the set as well as the painting book and am working my way through them now.  The main thing now will be setting out which combinations will get the various looks I'm trying to get.  If you have any questions about the new paints let me know and I will try to answer them.

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Fenrisian Wolves WIP 2

Here's some more work in progress pics of the Fenrisian wolves I'm working on. The last post showed what they looked like while I was airbrushing them, here's the finishing touches on the paint bench. I did some bleach bone drybrushing on the legs, a gryphonne sepia wash all over (thinned down), did a devlin mud wash on the upper back and painted their teeth. Then I added some texture on the base with superglue, slate and sand. All I have left is painting the base and adding some snow (probably the same look as I did with the thundertusk).

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Jumat, 13 April 2012

Finished Ogre Thundertusk

This guy took a little while due to other committments (outside warhammer), but I think its worth it. Love the model and am happy to have him done. As I mention in the video below I stuck with the same basic paint scheme as the rest of my Ogre army and used my airbrush to do some of the base colours.

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Rabu, 11 April 2012

Skaven Doomwheel Painting tutorial

Here's a video showing how I painted up the Skaven Doomwheel a while back. As I mention in the video its using the tutorial GW used to have on its site with the old paints, but that's gone now. Enjoy.

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Minggu, 08 April 2012

New range Review video (from Buypainted)

Just watched this review, and while it is quite critical I really value it.  This guy has lots of amazing videos on youtube and clearly knows his hobby stuff, so I'd recommend watching this.  Not sure what the end result is going to be for me, I still haven't bought any of the new paints and I'm debating switching over to Vallejo or staying with my Reaper paints.

Any other input out there?

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Fenresian Wolves WIP

Here's some pics of the new Fenresian wolves I'm working on. I have 2 boxes of these guys to paint up so I'm using my airbrush. I gave them a base coat of brown spray paint and layered the light colours on the legs then did a black stripe along the spine. I'm planning on giving them a dark brown wash to bring out some of the texture, but I may have to redo some of the colours to help them match the rest of my wolves.

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Rabu, 04 April 2012

Ork Painboy How to Paint

Here's another narrated painting tutorial for an Ork Painboy and Grot Orderly. I did this guy up in goff colours with my checker pattern that I have on most of my army.

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Minggu, 01 April 2012

comments... reverting

I had to revert back to the blogger comments... I was having problems with the intense debate plugin not displaying things due to blogger showing country specific domains.  So unfortunately I've lost some of them, but things should work going forward.

Marneus Calgar over on Youtube now

I'm slowly migrating all my videos over to Youtube from Blip.  Blip was great a year ago and made a decent amount of money, but the tide has shifted and it seems youtube is a better option for me.  The bonus for Youtube is that existing content seems to get a lot more traffic from suggestions and searches.  Here's all 5 parts of the Finecast Marneus Calgar video in a playlist (only the first part was on youtube before).