Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Mangler Squigs Video Tutorial

Finished these guys up and put together a video. Pretty cool model on the table, but I'm not that impressed with the casting. I don't know if its just the one I got, or if they are all that way, but some of the detail isn't the greatest.

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Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

How to paint Ork Kommandos

Another one of the painting tutorials that I've just transfered to video. I love using these guys (usually with Snikrot) to disrupt enemy lines. I've since added two guys with rokkits that I use to help pop rhinos or other light vehicles.

I went with a bright paint scheme... partly as a throw back to the 2nd edition kommandos but also to draw attention to them on the table top. They aren't terribly effective, but they do make a great distraction.

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Senin, 26 Desember 2011

How to Paint Space Wolves Njal

Here's bob from the miniwargaming.com's reject series. I painted him up a while ago (obviously if you've seen him in the rejects), but never got around to making a video.

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Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

How to Paint Blood Angels Death Company

Merry Christmas everyone... I hope you were able to spend some quality time with the important people in your life and perhaps use some of your holidays to catch up on some hobby projects.

I finally got around to making a video for these guys... I painted them back when the Blood Angels book was new, but never made a video.

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Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Killa Kanz Finished & How to paint video

Here's the finished video along with pics of the finished Killa Kans. I now have 9 rokkits kans ready to go, and will shortly have a second big mek with KFF for my list. Should be fun.

I first got this idea from Hortworth over at www.microartstudio.com and his Kreig orks here:

Video after the break.

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